Look for the Good

Welcome to what might be the most unusual Spring we’ll ever have!

So many good things are emerging in the midst of a crisis that it seems worthwhile to point out a few. We’ve launched a series of webinars focused on applying TRP. The webinars feature a facilitated discussion that allows everyone to talk about what each of us is doing to stay optimistic. The sessions have been described as “therapeutic,” “inspiring,” and “just what I needed” by those who have attended! I hope you’ll join us on an upcoming session and spread the word to others.

Christopher Wilson, a TRP trainer in New York, posted the following in our Facebook group. If you’re not a member of the group, send a request to join and we’d be glad to have you. This is one of the many uplifting posts that have been started and nurtured in that group. Enjoy the below and the #gratitudechallenge.

There are about 50 of us, at my agency, kicking off a week of focusing on gratitude… I thought I would share.

Here was today's challenge, for those of you who want to play along at home: There are many things in life that we take for granted. Simple things we don't notice until they are unavailable.

I never gave hot showers a second thought until I spent 15 months deployed in Iraq. Not a week that goes by that I don’t appreciate my ability to take one whenever I want.

Unique and challenging circumstances, such as the one our country faces today, allow us the opportunity to see our lives through a different lens, focusing on what really matters and being grateful for the things we have.

Take a moment today to identify one thing that you have taken for granted. How has your perspective changed over the last few weeks? What could you do moving forward to keep your gratitude at the forefront?

Finally, we would be GRATEFUL if you’d share your story with us. What are you grateful for right now? How are you paying it forward? Can we help? Stay in touch and stay well!


5 Discoveries I Made While Zooming